Wednesday, January 4, 2023

Create Bullets

Microsoft word provides bullets and numbers to put a list of items in a nice order. This chapter will teach you simple steps to create either the bulleted or the numbered lists in simple steps.

Create a List from Existing Text

This is very simple to convert a list of lines into a bulleted or numbered list. Following are the simple steps to create either bulleted list or numbered list.

Step 1 − Select a list of text to which you want to assign bullets or numbers. You can use any of the text selection method to select the portion of text.

Step 2 − Click the Bullet Button triangle to display a list of bullets you want to assign to the list. You can select any of the bullet style available by simply clicking over it.

Bullet List

Step 3 − If you are willing to create a list with numbers, then click the Numbering Button triangle instead of the bullet button to display a list of numbers you want to assign to the list. You can select any of the numbering style available by simply clicking over it.

Numbering List

Create a List as You Type

You can create a bulleted list as you type. Word will automatically format it according to your text. Following are the simple steps to create bulleted list as you type.

Step 1 − Type *, and then either press the SPACEBAR or press the TAB key, and then type the rest of what you want in the first item of the bulleted list.

Step 2 − When you are done with typing, press Enter to add the item in the list automatically and go to add next item in the list.

Step 3 − Repeat Step 2 for each list item.

Bullet List2

You can create a numbered list as you type. Word will automatically format it according to your text. Following are the simple steps to create numbered list as you type.

Step 1 − Type 1, and then either press the SPACEBAR or press the TAB key, and then type the rest of what you want in the first item of the numbered list.

Step 2 − When you are done with typing, press Enter to add the item in the list automatically and go to add next item in the list.

Step 3 − Repeat Step 2 for each list item.

Numbering List2

You can create sub-lists. These sub-lists are called multi-lists. It is simple to create sublists; press the Tab key to put items in sub-list. You can try it yourself.

Tuesday, January 3, 2023

Indent Paragraphs

In this chapter, we will discuss the how to indent paragraphs in Word 2010. As you know the margin settings determine the blank space that appears on each side of a paragraph. You can indent paragraphs in your document from the left margin, the right margin, or both the margins. This chapter will teach you how to indent your paragraphs with or without the first line of the paragraphs.

Left Indentation

Left indentation means to move the left edge of the paragraph inward towards the center of the paragraph. Let us use the following steps to create left indentation.

Step 1 − Click anywhere on the paragraph you want to indent left and click the Increase Indent button available on the Home tab or simply press the Ctrl + M keys. You can click multiple times to create deeper indentation.

Left Indentation

Step 2 − You can remove left indentation by clicking the Decrease Indentbutton available on Home tab or simply press Ctrl + Shift+ M keys. You can click multiple times to remove deeper indentation.

You can also use the Paragraph Dialog Box to set left and right indentations. We will see this dialog box in the last section of this chapter.

Right Indentation

Right indentation means to move the right edge of the paragraph inward towards the center of the paragraph. Let us use the following steps to create right indentation.

Step 1 − Click anywhere on the paragraph you want to indent and then click on the Increase Right Indent spinner available on the Page Layout tab. You can click on the spinner multiple times to create deeper indentation. You can use the Left Indent spinners as well to set left indentation from the same place.

Right Indentation

Step 2 − You can remove right indentation by clicking the Decrease Right Indent spinner in the opposite direction.

You can also use the Paragraph Dialog Box to set the left and the right indentations. We will see this dialog box in the next section.

First Line Indentation

You can move the left side of the first line of a paragraph inward toward the center. Let us see the procedure to perform first line indentation.

Step 1 − Click anywhere on the paragraph you want to indent right and click the Paragraph Dialog Box launcher available on the Home tab.

Step 2 − Click the Before Text spinner to set left indentation and select the First Line Option to move the left side of the first line of a paragraph inward toward the center. You can control the movement by setting the Indentation Unit. A preview box will give only the idea and not the indentation status.

First Line Indentation

Hanging Indentation

You can move the left side of the first line of a paragraph leftward, away from the center which is called the hanging indentation. Let us see the procedure to perform hanging indentation.

Step 1 − Click anywhere on the paragraph you want to indent right and click the Paragraph Dialog Box launcher available on the Home tab.

Step 2 − Click the Before Text spinner to set left indentation and select Hanging Option to move the left side of the first line of a paragraph leftward, away from the center. You can control the movement by setting the Indentation Unit. A preview box will give only the idea and not the indentation status.

Hanging Indentation

You can use the After Text spinner to set the right indentation. You can try it yourself.

Monday, January 2, 2023

Text Alignments

In this chapter, we will discuss text alignments in Word 2010. There are four types of paragraph alignment available in Microsoft Word — left-aligned, center-aligned, rightaligned, and justified.

Left-Aligned Text

A paragraph's text is left aligned when it is aligned evenly along the left margin. Here is a simple procedure to make a paragraph text left-aligned.

Step 1 − Click anywhere on the paragraph you want to align and click the Align Text Left button available on the Home tab or simply press the Ctrl + L keys.

Left Alignment

Center Aligned Text

A paragraph's text will be said center aligned if it is in the center of the left and right margins. Here is a simple procedure to make a paragraph text center aligned.

Step 1 − Click anywhere on the paragraph you want to align and click the Center button available on the Home tab or simply press the Ctrl + E keys.

Center Alignment

Right-Aligned Text

A paragraph's text is right-aligned when it is aligned evenly along the right margin. Here is a simple procedure to make a paragraph text right-aligned.

Step 1 − Click anywhere on the paragraph you want to align and click the Align Text Right button available on the Home tab or simply press the Ctrl + R keys.

Right Alignment

Justified Text

A paragraph's text is justified when it is aligned evenly along both the left and the right margins. Following is a simple procedure to make a paragraph text justified.

Step 1 − Click anywhere on the paragraph you want to align and click the Justify button available on the Home tab or simply press the Ctrl + J keys.

Justify Alignment

When you click the Justify button, it displays four options, justify, justify low, justify high and justify medium. You need to select only the justify option. The difference between these options is that low justify creates little space between two words, medium creates a more space than low justify and high creates maximum space between two words to justify the text.

Thursday, December 29, 2022

Change Text Color

In this chapter, we will discuss how to change text colors in Word 2010. We will also understand how to mark text which should look like it was marked with a highlighter pen. In addition, we will learn how to apply different effects on portions of text.

Change Font Colors

The text that we type comes in black by default; you can always change the color of the font to a color of your choice. It is very simple to change the text color by following two simple steps −

Step 1 − Select the portion of text the font color of which needs to be changed. You can use any of the text selection method to select the portion of text.

Step 2 − Click the Font Color button triangle to display a list of colors. Try to move your mouse pointer over different colors and you will see the text color will change automatically. You can select any of the colors available by simply clicking over it.

If you click at the left portion of the Font Color button, the selected color gets applied to the text automatically; you need to click over the small triangle to display a list of colors.

Font Color

If you do not find a color of your choice, you can use the More Colors option to display the color pallet box which allows you to select a color from a range of colors.

Highlight Text with Colors

You can highlight a selected portion of text using any color and it will look like it was marked with a highlighter pen. Usually we highlight a text using yellow color. It is very simple to highlight a portion of text with a color by following two simple steps

Step 1 − Select the portion of text that needs to be highlighted with color. You can use any of the text selection method to select the portion of text.

Step 2 − Click the Text Highlight Color button triangle to display a list of colors. Try to move your mouse pointer over different colors and you will see the text color changes automatically. You can select any of the colors available by simply clicking over it.

If you click at the left portion of the Text Highlight Color button, then the selected color gets applied to the portion of text automatically; you need to click over the small triangle to display a list of colors.

Highlight Color

Apply Text Effects

Microsoft word provides a list of text effect which add to the beauty of your document, especially to the cover page or the headings of the document. This is very simple to apply various text effects by following two simple steps −

Step 1 − Select the portion of text that you want to change to a bold font. You can use any of the text selection method to select the portion of text.

Step 2 − Click the Text Effect button to display a list of effects including shadow, outline, glow, reflection etc. Try to move your mouse pointer over different effects and you will see the text effect will change automatically. You can select any of the text effect available by simply clicking over it.

Text Effect

Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Change Text Case

In this chapter, we will discuss how to change text cases in Word 2010. You can also capitalize a character you are typing by pressing and holding the SHIFT key while you type. You can also press the CAPS LOCK to have every letter that you type capitalized, and then press the CAPS LOCK again to turn off capitalization.

Change Text to Sentence Case

A sentence case is the case where the first character of every sentence is capitalized. It is very simple to change the selected portion of text into sentence case by following two simple steps −

Step 1 − Select the portion of text that that needs to be put in sentence case. You can use any of the text selection methods to select the portion of text.

Step 2 − Click the Change Case button and then select the Sentence Caseoption to capitalize the first character of every selected sentence.

Sentence Case

Change Text to Lowercase

Changing text to lowercase is where every word of a sentence is in lowercase. It is very simple to change a selected portion of text into lowercase by following two simple steps −

Step 1 − Select the portion of text that needs to be put in lowercase. You can use any of the text selection methods to select the portion of text.

Step 2 − Click the Change Case button and then select Lowercase option to display all the selected words in lowercase.

Lower case

Change Text to Uppercase

This is where every word of a sentence is in uppercase. It is very simple to change selected text into uppercase by following two simple steps −

Step 1 − Select the portion of text that you want to change to a bold font. You can use any of the text selection method to select the portion of text.

Step 2 − Click the Change Case button and then select UPPERCASE option to display all selected words in all caps. All characters of every selected word will be capitalized.

Upper case

Capitalize Text

A capitalize case is the case where every first character of every selected word is in capital. This is very simple to change selected text into capitalize by following two simple steps −

Step 1 − Select the portion of text that needs to be capitalized. You can use any of the text selection method to select the portion of text.

Step 2 − Click the Change Case button and then select the Capitalize Each Word option to put a leading cap on each selected word.


Toggle the Text

The Toggle operation will change the case of every character in reverse way. A capital character will become a character in lower case and a character in lower case will become a character in upper case. It is very simple to toggle case of the text by following two simple steps −

Step 1 − Select the portion of text that you want to change to a bold font. You can use any of the text selection method to select the portion of text.

Step 2 − Click the Change Case button and then select the tOGGLE cASEoption to change all the words in lowercase into words in uppercase; the words in uppercase words change to words in lowercase.

toggle case

Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Text Decoration

In this chapter, we will discuss text decoration in Word 2010. When we use the term decorate, it means decorate by putting the text in italics, underlining the text or making it bold to look more fancy and much more. In this chapter, we will also learn how we can strikethrough a text.

Making text bold

We use bold text to give more emphasis on the sentence. It is very simple to change a selected portion of text into bold font by following two simple steps −

Step 1 − Select the portion of text that the font of which needs to be made bold. You can use any of the text selection methods to select the portion of text.

Step 2 − Click the Font Bold [ B ] button in the Home tab Font group, or simply use Ctrl + B keys to make the selected portion of text bold.

Bold Font

Making Text Italic

An italic text appears with a small inclination and we use the italicized text to differentiate it from other text. It is very simple to change the selected text into italic font by following two simple steps −

Step 1 − Select the portion of text the font of which needs to be italicized. You can use any of the text selection methods to select the portion of text.

Step 2 − Click the Font Italic [ I ] button in the Home tab Font group, or simply use the Ctrl + I keys to convert the portion of text in italic font.

Italic Font

Underline the Text

An underlined portion of text appears with an underline and we use the underlined portion of text to make it more distinguished from other text. It is very simple to change the selected text into underlined font by following two simple steps −

Step 1 − Select the portion of text which needs to be underlined. You can use any of the text selection method to select the portion of text.

Step 2 − Click Font Underline [ U ] button in the Home tab Font group, or simply use the Ctrl + U keys to put an underline under the text.

Underline Font

Strikethrough the Text

Strikethrough portion of text will look as if a line has been drawn through the middle of it. A strikethrough portion of text indicates that it has been deleted and that the portion of text is not required any more. It is very simple to change a selected portion of text into a strikethrough portion of text by following two simple steps −

Step 1 − Select the portion of text that you want to change to a bold font. You can use any of the text selection method to select the portion of text.

Step 2 − Click Font Strikethrough [ abc ] button in the Home tab Font group to put a line in the middle of the text which is called strikethrough the text.

Strike Font

Monday, December 26, 2022

Setting Text Fonts

In this chapter, we will discuss how to set the text fonts and size in Word 2010. Microsoft word allows you to use different fonts with different size. You can change your document's appearance by changing the fonts and their size. Usually you use different fonts for paragraphs and headings. It is important to learn how to use different fonts. This chapter will teach you how to change a font and its size in simple steps.

Change the Font Type & Size

We will understand in brief the font buttons that we will further use in this tutorial. Following is a screenshot to show you a few font related buttons.

Font Type

Step 1 − Select the portion of text the font of which needs to be changed and click the Home tab. Now click the Font Type button to list down all the fonts available as shown below.

Font List

Step 2 − Try to move the mouse pointer over the listed fonts. You will see that the text font changes when you move the mouse pointer over different fonts. You can use the Font Scroll Bar to display more fonts available. Finally select a desired font by clicking over the font name in the list. We have selected MV Boli as the font for our sample text.

MV Boli

Step 3 − Similar way, to change the font size, click over the Font Size button which will display a font size list. You will use the same procedure to select a desired font size that you have used while selecting a font type.

Font Size

Use Shrink and Grow Buttons

You can use a quick way to reduce or enlarge the font size. As shown in the first screenshot, the Shrink Font button can be used to reduce the font size whereas the Grow Font button can be used to enlarge the font size.

Font Grow and Shrink Buttons

Try to click either of these two buttons and you will see the effect. You can click a single button multiple times to apply the effect. Each time you click either of the buttons, it will enlarge or reduce the font size by 1 point.

Clear Formatting Options

All of the setting can be reset to plain text, or the default formatting. To reset text to default settings −

Step 1 − Select the portion of text that you want to reset.

Step 2 − Click the Clear Formatting button in the Home tab Font group, or simply use Ctrl + SPACEBAR.

Clear Formatting Buttons


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