Saturday, October 10, 2020


Welcome to King Flexy Media Computer Company.

With gratitude to God for a privilege to open this company, we welcomed you all to king flexy media, Home of Computer Training, Business & Entertainment. To inspired and develop the society in a Digital World.

King Flexy Media is a company created for the improvement of the society in the area of digitalization. It can also be called a computer Networking company because it create room for computer Income training, and also help their members/public to advertise and generate income for themselves through Inksnation Block chain Technology, One united global family.

Our motto is Team Work, and the purpose of the Team work is Together Everybody achieve more Work. You can follow us in our platforms for more clarification and Recruitment.

Whatsapp= 08140075128

Facebook= King Flexy Media

Youtube= King Flexy Media


Monday, June 22, 2020


Arise, O Compatriots, Nigeria’s Call Obey
To Serve Our Fatherland,
With Love and Strength and Faith
The Labour of Our Heroes Past
Shall Never be In Vain
To Serve with Heart and Might
One Nation Bound in Freedom
Peace and Unity. 

                                              2ND ANTHEM

Oh God of Creation, direct our noble cause;
Guide our leader’s right
Help our Youth and truth to know
In love and honesty to grow
And living just and true
Great lofty heights attain
To build a nation where peace
And justice shall reign. 

                                           NATIONAL PLEDGE

I Pledge to Nigeria my country
To be faithful, loyal and honest
 To serve Nigeria with all my strength
To defend her unity
And uphold her honour and glory
So help me God.

Data Link Layer

In the OSI model, the data link layer is a 4 th  layer from the top and 2 nd  layer from the bottom. The communication channel t...