Friday, April 21, 2023

Indent Paragraphs

Relatively long paragraphs can get monotonous to read and this effect is accentuated in slides where the area is smaller and the contents are usually projected. Paragraph indentations can help ease the strain on eyes and also help present the content in a visually appealing way. This chapter will discuss the paragraph indentations available in PowerPoint.

Step 1 − Select the text content to be indented. Unlike most other settings, indentation works at a paragraph level, so regardless of what text you select the indent settings will apply to the entire paragraph. However, if the text box has multiple paragraphs you can have different indentations for different paragraphs.

Step 2 − Go to the Paragraph group under the Home ribbon.

Microsoft PowerPoint 2010

Step 3 − Select one of the indentation options. You will notice that by default the text is set at the lowest indentation level, so you will not be able to decrease it further. You must increase indentation the first time you use it.

Microsoft PowerPoint 2010

Step 4 − Once you have increased the indent, the decrease indent option is enabled.

Microsoft PowerPoint 2010

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