Monday, April 1, 2024

Fundamental Concepts

A computer is basically a programmable machine capable to perform arithmetic and logical operations automatically and sequentially. It is also known as a data processor, as it can store, process, and retrieve data as per the wish of the user.

Basic Functions of a Computer

Taking data and instructions from a user, processing the data as per instructions, and displaying or storing the processed data, are the four major functions of a computer. These functions are also known as the input function, process function, output function, and storage function, respectively.

To provide these functions, a computer uses its components or devices. Usually, components of a computer are designed to perform only one of these four functions. But, some specialized components or devices are designed to perform two, three or all four functions. For example, a hard disk can perform three functions: input (when files are read), storage (when files are saved), and output (when files are written).

Components or devices of a computer, based on the function in which they are used, can be classified into four major types: the input devices, output devices, storage devices, and processing devices. For example, if a component processes the given instructions, the component is known as the processing device. Or if a device displays the processed data, the device is known as the output device.

Input function and devices


A computer is a data processing machine. It does nothing until a user (or a script or a program) provides the data that needs to be processed and the instructions that tell it how to process the data.

Any standard device or component that a user uses to instruct a computer is known as the standard input device. In other words, a computer uses its standard input devices or components to get instructions from a user.

The most common input devices are the keyboard and mouse. Almost all modern computers have these devices. Other common input devices are scanners, microphones, USB drives, and webcams.

Input data and instruction can also be generated from a non-standard input device such as the hard disk and CD/DVD. For example, a batch file in the Windows system may instruct the CPU to execute a program or a script at a particular time.

Installation disks are another good example of non-standard input devices. Usually, they contain a script or an executable program that automatically starts the installation process as soon as the disk is read.

Process function and devices

Once the data and instructions are received by the input function, the computer starts the processing function. In this function, a computer processes the received data according to the instructions.

To process the input data according to the instructions, the computer uses the CPU. A CPU is the main processing component of a computer. It processes user instructions, executes scripts and programs, and runs commands of the OS that provide a platform for installing and using application software.

Other important processing components are auxiliary processors. Auxiliary processors are also known as onboard processors. Auxiliary processors are used in devices to enhance their functionalities. You can think of an auxiliary processor as the private CPU of a device.

Only components or devices that provide the complex functionality such as Graphics cards, I/O devices, and network interface cards use auxiliary processors. For example, if a user draws an image, the auxiliary processor on the graphics card performs all calculations that require in drawing the image on the display device.

The following image shows a sample of both a CPU and an auxiliary processor.

Output function and devices


After processing the input data, the CPU, auxiliary processor, or the process function sends the processed data to the output function or to the default or configured output device. By default, computers use monitors as the default output device.

Aside from monitor, a variety of output devices are also available. Each output device presents the processed data in a different form, for example, a monitor, a printer, and a speaker displays, prints, and plays the processed data, respectively.

A user, based on his requirement, can connect and use two, three or more output devices to the computer. For example, after viewing the processed data, a user can send it to the printer for printing.

Storage function and devices

Storing data and information is the fourth major function of a computer. This function allows us to save the processed data for later use. To store data and information, a computer uses two types of storage components: temporary and permanent.

Temporary storage components are used to store data temporarily. Data stored in a temporary storage component is erased when the system is shutdown. RAM is a compulsory temporary storage component. A computer uses the ram to store the running applications and their data.

Permanent storage components are used to store data permanently. Data stored in a permanent storage component is not erased when the system is shutdown. The hard disk is the most common permanent storage component. Usually, all computers have at least one hard disk to store data. Other common permanent storage components or devices are external drives, USB drives, and CD/DVD.

The 4 Primary Hardware Concerns for New Computers

Computer descriptions these days come with a lot of specifications that use a lot of technical jargon. This can be confusing if you aren't sure what you're looking for! By following the information listed below, you can look for key words that will help you zero in on the computer that will last for your entire time here at UNI!

Computer Speed (the processor)

The most common processor found in computers today is from Intel. The Intel Core series of processors perform well and are generally recommended for a computer that you will bring to UNI. When reading a computer listing, look for something similar to Intel 6th generation Core processors. For gaming, intense graphic design or video editing, or just maximum longevity, pick a Core i7 processor (the most powerful). The Core i7 processor will deliver the fastest speed and most processing power. Keep in mind, on laptops, a Core i7 may slightly reduce the battery life due to the extra power needs for the stronger processor. UNI Information technology recommends a Core i5 at a minimum.

Storage (the hard drive)

Hard drives come in two varieties today: the magnetic, spinning disk (HDD) or the Solid State Drive (SSD). SSDs are more expensive, but recommended for maximum longevity of your computer.

  • The spinning disk (HDD) is generally cheaper and comes in much larger sizes. These drives are good for storage (for example, if you have a lot of digital pictures, music, or movies). You can find HDDs in 500GB to several terabytes in size.
  • The Solid State Drive (SSD) is generally smaller in terms of amount of storage available and more expensive. It is however, much faster than it's older, HDD cousin. Upgrading from an HDD to a SSD in an older computer will make it have new life! Ensuring the computer you bring to UNI has an SSD will make it faster and lighter. With cloud storage available to you at UNI (Google Drive), the smaller hard drive might not be an issue. Pick up an SSD no smaller than 256GB if possible.

Memory (RAM)

If a hard drive is like the bookshelf in a computer (where the computer stores information for retrieval, like a bookshelf storing books) then the RAM or computer's memory is like the desk surface. The larger the desk surface (the greater the amount of RAM or memory), the more things a person can do at once. If you have a large desk you can have several papers laying out at once, a book open, and generally it is more conducive to having more research materials spread out and available. Likewise, the more memory your computer has, the more programs or applications it can run at the same time. UNI recommends no less than 8GB of RAMFor maximum longevity, pick 16GB.

WiFi Ability (wireless network card)

UNI has deployed high-speed and secure WiFi across campus in areas that are important to students like Maucker Union, the Rod Library, classrooms, and even outside in some instances! To take full advantage of the WiFi, you should ensure that your wireless network card is a dual band radio capable of both 2.4GHz and 5GHz frequencies (most modern computers have this). You'll want to look for dual band AC wireless or something similar in the specifications listing. This will be the most compatible with UNI's wireless network.

Other Concerns for a New Computer

If you've followed the hardware advice above, you should have a computer that is fairly well equipped for your entire collegiate career here at UNI. There are a few other things to consider, however, when making a new computer purchase. The following section will review those with you.


UNI Information Technology recommends a minimum three year hardware warranty. This will ensure the manufacturer or reseller will cover any broken computer hardware for at least three years. This is especially important for laptops as they are harder to work on yourself. 

UNI does not recommend that you purchase any type of software tuning/maintenance/assistance from your manufacturer or reseller. Some companies will try and sell you a "tune up" before you even walk out of the door! You do not need this assistance as Information Technology at UNI can help you with the software on your computer.


More and more professors are allowing the use of laptops during class. A smaller, lighter laptop will be easier to carry across campus during your day. It is also more likely to have better battery life. Larger, heavier laptops are often-times better for gaming or video-intense applications, but will not be as fun to carry across campus.

Operating System

For Windows-based computers, UNI Information Technology recommends Windows 10 home or professional.

For Apple computers, UNI recommends the latest version of macOS.

Major/Field of Study

Some majors or fields of study use different types of computer hardware. It might be worth checking with the departmental office of the department your major resides in.

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