Sunday, November 6, 2022

Binary Codes

In the coding, when numbers, letters or words are represented by a specific group of symbols, it is said that the number, letter or word is being encoded. The group of symbols is called as a code. The digital data is represented, stored and transmitted as group of binary bits. This group is also called as binary code. The binary code is represented by the number as well as alphanumeric letter.

Advantages of Binary Code

Following is the list of advantages that binary code offers.

  • Binary codes are suitable for the computer applications.

  • Binary codes are suitable for the digital communications.

  • Binary codes make the analysis and designing of digital circuits if we use the binary codes.

  • Since only 0 & 1 are being used, implementation becomes easy.

Classification of binary codes

The codes are broadly categorized into following four categories.

  • Weighted Codes
  • Non-Weighted Codes
  • Binary Coded Decimal Code
  • Alphanumeric Codes
  • Error Detecting Codes
  • Error Correcting Codes

Weighted Codes

Weighted binary codes are those binary codes which obey the positional weight principle. Each position of the number represents a specific weight. Several systems of the codes are used to express the decimal digits 0 through 9. In these codes each decimal digit is represented by a group of four bits.

Weighted Code

Non-Weighted Codes

In this type of binary codes, the positional weights are not assigned. The examples of non-weighted codes are Excess-3 code and Gray code.

Excess-3 code

The Excess-3 code is also called as XS-3 code. It is non-weighted code used to express decimal numbers. The Excess-3 code words are derived from the 8421 BCD code words adding (0011)2 or (3)10 to each code word in 8421. The excess-3 codes are obtained as follows −

Excess-3 code


BCD to Excess-3 code

Gray Code

It is the non-weighted code and it is not arithmetic codes. That means there are no specific weights assigned to the bit position. It has a very special feature that, only one bit will change each time the decimal number is incremented as shown in fig. As only one bit changes at a time, the gray code is called as a unit distance code. The gray code is a cyclic code. Gray code cannot be used for arithmetic operation.

Gray code

Application of Gray code

  • Gray code is popularly used in the shaft position encoders.

  • A shaft position encoder produces a code word which represents the angular position of the shaft.

Binary Coded Decimal (BCD) code

In this code each decimal digit is represented by a 4-bit binary number. BCD is a way to express each of the decimal digits with a binary code. In the BCD, with four bits we can represent sixteen numbers (0000 to 1111). But in BCD code only first ten of these are used (0000 to 1001). The remaining six code combinations i.e. 1010 to 1111 are invalid in BCD.

BCD code

Advantages of BCD Codes

  • It is very similar to decimal system.
  • We need to remember binary equivalent of decimal numbers 0 to 9 only.

Disadvantages of BCD Codes

  • The addition and subtraction of BCD have different rules.

  • The BCD arithmetic is little more complicated.

  • BCD needs more number of bits than binary to represent the decimal number. So BCD is less efficient than binary.

Alphanumeric codes

A binary digit or bit can represent only two symbols as it has only two states '0' or '1'. But this is not enough for communication between two computers because there we need many more symbols for communication. These symbols are required to represent 26 alphabets with capital and small letters, numbers from 0 to 9, punctuation marks and other symbols.

The alphanumeric codes are the codes that represent numbers and alphabetic characters. Mostly such codes also represent other characters such as symbol and various instructions necessary for conveying information. An alphanumeric code should at least represent 10 digits and 26 letters of alphabet i.e. total 36 items. The following three alphanumeric codes are very commonly used for the data representation.

  • American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII).
  • Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code (EBCDIC).
  • Five bit Baudot Code.

ASCII code is a 7-bit code whereas EBCDIC is an 8-bit code. ASCII code is more commonly used worldwide while EBCDIC is used primarily in large IBM computers.

Error Codes

There are binary code techniques available to detect and correct data during data transmission.

Error CodeDescription

Error Detection and Correction

Error de

Number System Conversion

There are many methods or techniques which can be used to convert numbers from one base to another. We'll demonstrate here the following −

  • Decimal to Other Base System
  • Other Base System to Decimal
  • Other Base System to Non-Decimal
  • Shortcut method − Binary to Octal
  • Shortcut method − Octal to Binary
  • Shortcut method − Binary to Hexadecimal
  • Shortcut method − Hexadecimal to Binary

Decimal to Other Base System


  • Step 1 − Divide the decimal number to be converted by the value of the new base.

  • Step 2 − Get the remainder from Step 1 as the rightmost digit (least significant digit) of new base number.

  • Step 3 − Divide the quotient of the previous divide by the new base.

  • Step 4 − Record the remainder from Step 3 as the next digit (to the left) of the new base number.

Repeat Steps 3 and 4, getting remainders from right to left, until the quotient becomes zero in Step 3.

The last remainder thus obtained will be the Most Significant Digit (MSD) of the new base number.

Example −

Decimal Number: 2910

Calculating Binary Equivalent −

Step 129 / 2141
Step 214 / 270
Step 37 / 231
Step 43 / 211
Step 51 / 201

As mentioned in Steps 2 and 4, the remainders have to be arranged in the reverse order so that the first remainder becomes the Least Significant Digit (LSD) and the last remainder becomes the Most Significant Digit (MSD).

Decimal Number − 2910 = Binary Number − 111012.

Other Base System to Decimal System


  • Step 1 − Determine the column (positional) value of each digit (this depends on the position of the digit and the base of the number system).

  • Step 2 − Multiply the obtained column values (in Step 1) by the digits in the corresponding columns.

  • Step 3 − Sum the products calculated in Step 2. The total is the equivalent value in decimal.


Binary Number − 111012

Calculating Decimal Equivalent −

StepBinary NumberDecimal Number
Step 1111012((1 × 24) + (1 × 23) + (1 × 22) + (0 × 21) + (1 × 20))10
Step 2111012(16 + 8 + 4 + 0 + 1)10
Step 31110122910

Binary Number − 111012 = Decimal Number − 2910

Other Base System to Non-Decimal System


  • Step 1 − Convert the original number to a decimal number (base 10).

  • Step 2 − Convert the decimal number so obtained to the new base number.


Octal Number − 258

Calculating Binary Equivalent −

Step 1 − Convert to Decimal

StepOctal NumberDecimal Number
Step 1258((2 × 81) + (5 × 80))10
Step 2258(16 + 5 )10
Step 32582110

Octal Number − 258 = Decimal Number − 2110

Step 2 − Convert Decimal to Binary

Step 121 / 2101
Step 210 / 250
Step 35 / 221
Step 42 / 210
Step 51 / 201

Decimal Number − 2110 = Binary Number − 101012

Octal Number − 258 = Binary Number − 101012

Shortcut method - Binary to Octal


  • Step 1 − Divide the binary digits into groups of three (starting from the right).

  • Step 2 − Convert each group of three binary digits to one octal digit.


Binary Number − 101012

Calculating Octal Equivalent −

StepBinary NumberOctal Number
Step 1101012010 101
Step 210101228 58
Step 3101012258

Binary Number − 101012 = Octal Number − 258

Shortcut method - Octal to Binary


  • Step 1 − Convert each octal digit to a 3 digit binary number (the octal digits may be treated as decimal for this conversion).

  • Step 2 − Combine all the resulting binary groups (of 3 digits each) into a single binary number.


Octal Number − 258

Calculating Binary Equivalent −

StepOctal NumberBinary Number
Step 1258210 510
Step 22580102 1012
Step 32580101012

Octal Number − 258 = Binary Number − 101012

Shortcut method - Binary to Hexadecimal


  • Step 1 − Divide the binary digits into groups of four (starting from the right).

  • Step 2 − Convert each group of four binary digits to one hexadecimal symbol.


Binary Number − 101012

Calculating hexadecimal Equivalent −

StepBinary NumberHexadecimal Number
Step 11010120001 0101
Step 2101012110 510
Step 31010121516

Binary Number − 101012 = Hexadecimal Number − 1516

Shortcut method - Hexadecimal to Binary


  • Step 1 − Convert each hexadecimal digit to a 4 digit binary number (the hexadecimal digits may be treated as decimal for this conversion).

  • Step 2 − Combine all the resulting binary groups (of 4 digits each) into a single binary number.


Hexadecimal Number − 1516

Calculating Binary Equivalent −

StepHexadecimal NumberBinary Number
Step 11516110 510
Step 2151600012 01012
Step 31516000101012

Hexadecimal Number − 1516 = Binary Number − 101012

Digital Number System

A digital system can understand positional number system only where there are a few symbols called digits and these symbols represent different values depending on the position they occupy in the number.

A value of each digit in a number can be determined using

  • The digit

  • The position of the digit in the number

  • The base of the number system (where base is defined as the total number of digits available in the number system).

Decimal Number System

The number system that we use in our day-to-day life is the decimal number system. Decimal number system has base 10 as it uses 10 digits from 0 to 9. In decimal number system, the successive positions to the left of the decimal point represents units, tens, hundreds, thousands and so on.

Each position represents a specific power of the base (10). For example, the decimal number 1234 consists of the digit 4 in the units position, 3 in the tens position, 2 in the hundreds position, and 1 in the thousands position, and its value can be written as

(1×1000) + (2×100) + (3×10) + (4×l) (1×103) + (2×102) + (3×101) + (4×l00) 1000 + 200 + 30 + 1 1234 

As a computer programmer or an IT professional, you should understand the following number systems which are frequently used in computers.

S.N.Number System & Description
1Binary Number System

Base 2. Digits used: 0, 1

2Octal Number System

Base 8. Digits used: 0 to 7

3Hexa Decimal Number System

Base 16. Digits used: 0 to 9, Letters used: A- F

Binary Number System


  • Uses two digits, 0 and 1.

  • Also called base 2 number system

  • Each position in a binary number represents a 0 power of the base (2). Example: 20

  • Last position in a binary number represents an x power of the base (2). Example: 2x where x represents the last position - 1.


Binary Number: 101012

Calculating Decimal Equivalent −

StepBinary NumberDecimal Number
Step 1101012((1 × 24) + (0 × 23) + (1 × 22) + (0 × 21) + (1 × 20))10
Step 2101012(16 + 0 + 4 + 0 + 1)10
Step 31010122110

Note: 101012 is normally written as 10101.

Octal Number System


  • Uses eight digits, 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7.

  • Also called base 8 number system

  • Each position in an octal number represents a 0 power of the base (8). Example: 80

  • Last position in an octal number represents an x power of the base (8). Example: 8x where x represents the last position - 1.


Octal Number − 125708

Calculating Decimal Equivalent −

StepOctal NumberDecimal Number
Step 1125708((1 × 84) + (2 × 83) + (5 × 82) + (7 × 81) + (0 × 80))10
Step 2125708(4096 + 1024 + 320 + 56 + 0)10
Step 3125708549610

Note: 125708 is normally written as 12570.

Hexadecimal Number System


  • Uses 10 digits and 6 letters, 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,A,B,C,D,E,F.

  • Letters represents numbers starting from 10. A = 10, B = 11, C = 12, D = 13, E = 14, F = 15.

  • Also called base 16 number system.

  • Each position in a hexadecimal number represents a 0 power of the base (16). Example 160.

  • Last position in a hexadecimal number represents an x power of the base (16). Example 16x where x represents the last position - 1.

Example −

Hexadecimal Number: 19FDE16

Calculating Decimal Equivalent −

StepHexadecimal NumberDecimal Number
Step 119FDE16((1 × 164) + (9 × 163) + (F × 162) + (D × 161) + (E × 160))10
Step 219FDE16((1 × 164) + (9 × 163) + (15 × 162) + (13 × 161) + (14 × 160))10
Step 319FDE16(65536 + 36864 + 3840 + 208 + 14)10
Step 419FDE1610646210

Note − 19FDE16 is normally written as 19FDE.


In the modern world of electronics, the term Digital is generally associated with a computer because the term Digital is derived from the way computers perform operation, by counting digits. For many years, the application of digital electronics was only in the computer system. But now-a-days, digital electronics is used in many other applications. Following are some of the examples in which Digital electronics is heavily used.

  • Industrial process control
  • Military system
  • Television
  • Communication system
  • Medical equipment
  • Radar
  • Navigation


Signal can be defined as a physical quantity, which contains some information. It is a function of one or more than one independent variables. Signals are of two types.

  • Analog Signal
  • Digital Signal

Analog Signal

An analog signal is defined as the signal having continuous values. Analog signal can have infinite number of different values. In real world scenario, most of the things observed in nature are analog. Examples of the analog signals are following.

  • Temperature
  • Pressure
  • Distance
  • Sound
  • Voltage
  • Current
  • Power

Graphical representation of Analog Signal (Temperature)

Analog Signal

The circuits that process the analog signals are called as analog circuits or system. Examples of the analog system are following.

  • Filter
  • Amplifiers
  • Television receiver
  • Motor speed controller

Disadvantage of Analog Systems

  • Less accuracy
  • Less versatility
  • More noise effect
  • More distortion
  • More effect of weather

Digital Signal

digital signal is defined as the signal which has only a finite number of distinct values. Digital signals are not continuous signals. In the digital electronic calculator, the input is given with the help of switches. This input is converted into electrical signal which have two discrete values or levels. One of these may be called low level and another is called high level. The signal will always be one of the two levels. This type of signal is called digital signal. Examples of the digital signal are following.

  • Binary Signal
  • Octal Signal
  • Hexadecimal Signal

Graphical representation of the Digital Signal (Binary)

Digital Signal

The circuits that process the digital signals are called digital systems or digital circuits. Examples of the digital systems are following.

  • Registers
  • Flip-flop
  • Counters
  • Microprocessors

Advantage of Digital Systems

  • More accuracy
  • More versatility
  • Less distortion
  • Easy communicate
  • Possible storage of information

Comparison of Analog and Digital Signal

S.N.Analog SignalDigital Signal
1Analog signal has infinite values.Digital signal has a finite number of values.
2Analog signal has a continuous nature.Digital signal has a discrete nature.
3Analog signal is generated by transducers and signal generators.Digital signal is generated by A to D converter.
4Example of analog signal − sine wave, triangular waves.Example of digital signal − binary signal.

Sunday, October 30, 2022

Shortcut Keys

Short-cut keys Functions
Commonly Used Short-cut Keys
F1Universal help (for any sort of program).
Alt + FFile menu options in current program.
Alt + EEdits options in current program.
Ctrl + ASelects all text.
Ctrl + XCuts the selected item.
Ctrl + CCopies the selected item.
Ctrl + VPastes copied item.
HomeTakes the user to the beginning of the current line.
EndTakes the user to the end of the current line.
Ctrl + HomeTakes the user to the beginning of the document.
Ctrl + EndTakes the user to the end of the document.
Shift + HomeHighlights from the current place to the beginning of line.
Shift + EndHighlights from the current place to the end of line.
Microsoft Windows Shortcut Keys
Ctrl + F4Closes window in program.
Alt + F4Closes current open program.
F2Renames the selected icon.
F3Start find from desktop.
F4Opens the drive selection when browsing.
F5Refreshes contents.
Alt + TabSwitches from one open application to another open application.
Alt + Shift + TabSwitches backwards between open applications.
Alt + Print ScreenCreates screen shot for current program.
Ctrl + Alt + Del.Opens windows task manager/reboot.
Ctrl + EscBrings up start menu.
Alt + EscSwitches between applications on taskbar.
Ctrl + Plus (+) KeyAutomatically adjusts widths of all columns in Windows Explorer.
Alt + EnterOpens properties window of selected icon or program.
Shift + F10Simulates right-click on selected item.
Shift + DelDeletes selected programs/files permanently.
Holding Shift During Boot-upEnables boot safe mode or bypass system files.
Ctrl + NStarts a new note.
Ctrl + OOpens a recently used note.
Ctrl + SSaves changes to a note.
Ctrl + PPrints a note.
Alt + F4Closes a note and its Journal window.
Ctrl + ZHelps Undo a change.
Ctrl + YHelps Redo a change.
Ctrl + ASelects all items on a page.
Ctrl + XCuts a selection.
Ctrl + CCopies a selection to the Clipboard.
Ctrl + VPastes a selection from the Clipboard.
EscCancels a selection.
Ctrl + FStart a search tool.
Ctrl + Shift + CDisplay a shortcut menu for column headings in a note list.
Microsoft Word Shortcut Keys
Ctrl + NCreates a new document.
Ctrl + OOpens an existing document.
Ctrl + SSaves changes to a document.
F12Saves the document as a new file.
Ctrl + PPrints a document.
Ctrl + ZHelps Undo a change.
Ctrl + YHelps Redo a change.
Ctrl + ASelects the whole document.
Ctrl + XHelps cut a selection
Ctrl + CCopies a selection to the Clipboard.
Ctrl + VPastes a selection from the Clipboard.
Ctrl + BMakes selected text bold.
Ctrl + IItalicizes selected text.
Ctrl + UUnderlines selected texts.
Ctrl + LAligns text left.
Ctrl + RAligns text right.
Ctrl + EAligns text center.
Ctrl + JHelps justify text.
Ctrl + 1Sets single line spacing.
Ctrl + 2Sets double line spacing.
Ctrl + 5Sets line spacing to 1.5.
Ctrl + Shift + AChanges characters to all capitals.
Ctrl + DInserts a Microsoft Paint drawing.
Ctrl + FFinds text
Ctrl + HomeMoves to the beginning of the document.
Ctrl + EndMoves to the end of the document.


In this chapter, we will discuss the development in Computer Science chronologically.

The following table lists down the development −

1959Transistors: IBM 7090; IBM 1401
1962NPN transistor
1963Mouse; CMOS patented
1964CDC 6600; IBM Data Cell Drive
1966Integrated circuits: HP 2116A
1966Apollo Guidance Computer
1969Honeywell 316
19718" floppy disk; ILLIAC IV
1973Micral first microprocessor PC
1980Sinclair ZX80, Seagate hard disk drive
1981IBM PC, Acorn BBC Micro
1983Apple Lisa; 3.5" floppy
1984Apple Mac; Apple Lisa 2
1991Apple Switches to PowerPC
1992HP 95LX; Palmtop PC
1995IBM Deep Blue chess computer
1996USB 1.0
1997Compaq buys Tandem; CD-RW
2000USB 2
2001Apple iPod
2005Mac Mini
2006Apple transition to Intel
2007iPhone 1
2008USB 3.0
2010Apple iPad
2012IBM zEnterprise System


In this chapter, we will discuss the different abbreviations in Computer Science. The following table lists down those abbreviations −

ABCAtanasoff Berry Computer
ACMAssociation for Computing Machinery
AIArtificial Intelligence
ALGOLAlgorithic Language
ALUArithmetic Logic Unit
AMDAdvanced Micro Devices
APRANETAdvanced Research Project Agency Network
ASCIIAmerican Standard Code for Information Interchange
BASICBeginners All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code
BCDBinary Coded Decimal
BIOSBasic Inpute Output System
BIPSBillions of Instructions Per Second
BPIBytes Per Inch
CADComputer Aided Design
CAEComputer Aided Engineering
CANCampus Area Network
CASEComputer Aided Software Engineering
CDCompact Disk
CDCControl Data Corporation
CD-ROMCompact Disk Read Only Memory
CD-RWCD Read/Write
CLCommand Language
CLICommand Line Interface
COBOLCommon Business Oriented
CODASYLConference On Data Systems
CPUCentral Processing Unit
CRTCathode Ray Tube
DATDigital Audio Tape
DBMSData Base Management System
DBSDemand Based Switching
DDLData Definition Language
DDSDigital Data Storage
DECDigital Equipment Corporation
DMADirect Memory Access
DNADigital Network Architecture
DPIDots Per Inch
DSNDistributed Systems Network
DTSDigital Theater System
DVDDigital Video/Versatile Disk
EBCDICExtended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code
EDSACElectronic Delay Storage Automatic Calculator
EDVACElectronic Discrete Variable Automatic Calculator
EFMEight-to-Fourteen Modulation
ENIACElectronic Numerical Integrator And Calculator
EPGElectronic Programming Guide
EPICExplicitly Parallel Instruction Computing
EPROMErasable Programmable Read-Only Memory
FATFile Allocation Table
FDMFrequency Division Multiplexing
FEPFront End Processor
FLOPSFloating Point Operations Per Second
FMFrequency Modulation
FMSFile Management System
FSKFrequency Shift Keying
FTPFile Transfer Protocol
GBGiga Bytes
GHzGiga Hertz
GNUGnu Not Unix
GPRSGeneral Packet Radio Service
GSMGlobal System for Mobile communication
GUIGraphical User Interface
HPHewlett Packard
HSSHierarchical Storage System
HTMLHyperText Markup Language
HTTPHyperText Transport Protocol
IBMInternational Business Machine
ICIntegrated Circuit
IDNIntegrated Digital Networks
IPInternet Protocol
IrDAInfrared Data Association
ISDNIntegrated Services Digital Network
ISPInternet Service Provider
JPEGJoint Photographic Experts Group
JREJava Runtime Engine
JSPJava Server Pages
KBKilo Bytes
KHzKilo Hertz
LANLocal Area Network
LCDLiquid Crystal Display
LEDLight Emitting Diode
LPMLine Per Minute
LSILarge Scael Integration
MANMetropolitan Area Network
MARMemory Address Register
MBMega Bytes
MBRMemory Buffer Register
MHzMega Hertz
MIDIMusical Instrument Digital Interface
MIPSMillions of Instructions Per Second
MNPMicrocom Network Protocol
MPEGMoving Pictures Experts Group
MS-DOSMicroSoft Disk Operating System
MVTMultiprogramming with Variable Tasks
NICNetwork Interface Card
NICNETNational Informatics Center NETwork
NOSNetwork Operating System
OCROptical Character Recognition
OMROptical Mark Reader
OSOperating System
OSIOpen System Interconnection
OSSOpen Source Software
PANPersonal Area Network
PCPersonal Computer
PDFPortable Document Format
PDLProgram Design Language
PDPProgram Data Processor
PIPPeripheral Interchange Program
PROMProgrammable Read-Only Memory
QoSQuality of Service
RAMRandom Access Memory
ROMRead Only Memory
SDLCSoftware Development Life Cycle
SEQUELStructured English QUEry Language
SGMLSyntax for Generalized Markup Language
SIMMSingle In-line Memory Module
SNASystems Network Architecture
SNOBOLStriNg Oriented and symBOlic Language
SQLStructured Query Language
SSISmall Scale Integration
TBTera Bytes
TCPTransport Control Protocol
TDMTime Division Multiplexing
UDPUser Datagram Protocol
ULSIUltra Large Scale Integration
UPCUniversal Product Code
URLUniform Resource Locator
USBUniversal Serial Bus
UTFUnicode Transformation Format
VANValue Added Network
VCRVideo Cassette Recorder
VDTVideo Display Terminal
VGAVideo Graphics Array
VoIPVoice over Internet Protocol
VSATVery Small Aperture Terminal
WANWide Area Network
WAPWireless Application Protocol
WiMAXWorldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access
WLANWireless Local Area Network
WLLWireless Local Loop
WORMWrite Once Read Many
WWWWorld Wide Web
XHTMLeXtensible HyperText Markup Language
XMLeXtensible Markup Language
X.400Electronic Mail Protocol
X.500Directory Server Protocol


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