Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Installation of the motherboard


Before you purchase a motherboard, it is important to read the specifications of the computer case. The specifications will tell you which case and motherboard size (Standard ATX, Mini-ITX, Micro-ATX, and others) are compatible. Please refer to the computer case manufacturer's official website for technical specifications.

Replacing the motherboard

You will need:


  1. Flathead screwdriver and Phillips head screwdriver
  2. Clean tissue and alcohol to clean components (or alcohol wipes)
  3. Thermal paste
  4. Hexes (maybe)

Sequence of steps to replace the motherboard

In case you are replacing the motherboard and not installing a new one, you need to:

  1. Turn off the power supply and disconnect the power lead.
  2. Disconnect all wires on the backside of the computer case.
  3. nothing

    1. Remove the cover of the system unit. To do this, unscrew the screws on the back of the case and slide the cover to the left. It is easy to detach from the case. If you have a glass cover, it is screwed on the edges with four screws. If you have a fan installed in the system unit cover, you will need to remove it.


    1. It is recommended that you take a picture of all the connectors before disassembling the computer components to not forget to connect anything when reassembling.
    2. Disconnect the wires that power the video card (if your video card supports the optional power supply). Unscrew the fixing screws. Press the latch on the PCI-e connector and pull it out to remove the video card.
    3. Disconnect the motherboard power and fan power, HDD power, USB power, and others.
    4. nothing

      1. If necessary, remove the power supply unit. To do this, unscrew the locking screws on the back of the system unit. Removing the power supply to replace the motherboard is not always necessary.


      1. Disconnect the memory cards. To do this, simultaneously press the locking plastic tabs on the sides of the card.


      1. To remove the motherboard from the case, you need to unscrew the fixing screws. Different motherboards have a different number of screws.



      1. Remove the heatsink from the CPU. To do this, unscrew the fixing screws or unclip the fixing clips. The mounting of the heatsinks differs from manufacturer to manufacturer.
      2. Remove the CPU. To do this, bend the metal catch, open the cover, and gently pull out the CPU.
      3. nothing

        1. After removing the heatsink, you must clean the old thermal paste from the joint between the heatsink and CPU. Then, when installing the motherboard, apply the thermal paste onto the CPU using one of the methods described in the article on applying thermal paste.


        Installation of the motherboard


        The necessary screws to secure the motherboard are provided with the computer case.

        To install the motherboard in the case, metal stands are used to raise the motherboard above the case. This is necessary to prevent the motherboard from coming into contact with the case.

        Before installing the motherboard, make sure that all motherboard standoffs are in place. Otherwise, the motherboard will lose its stability and sag under the cooler's weight.


        You need to follow the same steps as when replacing, only in reverse order. Remember that it is better to connect the uncomfortable connectors first, and after that, cover them with a large cooling heatsink and a video card. Be careful of small things, and don't lose any screws.

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