Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Running Slide Show

Most PowerPoint presentations are created to be run as a slideshow. Given all the advanced features available in PowerPoint 2010, it is no surprise that there are many features related to running the slideshow that have been included in this program too. Most of these features are really to help you create a good slideshow without having to go through the entire presentation over and over again after every minor change. Features related to running the slideshow are grouped under the Slideshow ribbon.

Microsoft PowerPoint 2010

SectionMenu ItemDescription
Start SlideshowFrom BeginningStarts slideshow from beginning
From Current SlideStarts slideshow from the current slide
Broadcast SlideshowAllows users to broadcast the slideshows using Microsoft's PowerPoint Broadcast Service
Custom SlideshowBuilds a custom slideshow by picking the slides you want to run
Set UpSet Up SlideshowHelps set up the slideshow including browser/ full screen display, show options with or without narration/ animation, pen and laser color during the slideshow and the slides to be presented during the show
Hide SlideHelps mark/ unmark the slide as hidden, so it is skipped or shown during the slideshow respectively
Rehearse TimingAllows users to rehearse the timing on each slide and the entire slideshow
Record SlideshowRecords the slideshow including narration and animation
Slideshow CheckboxesHelps set or avoid the use of narrative audio and rehearsed timings during the show. Display media controls in the slideshow view
MonitorsResolutionDefines resolution in slideshow view
Show Presentation onPicks the monitor to display the presentation one - in case of multiple monitors
Use Presenter ViewRun presentation in Presenter view rather than just slideshow view

Sunday, March 26, 2023

Adding Header & Footer

PowerPoint offers the ability to add header and footers to the slides. While having footers in presentations is logical, header may not be quite evident at first. Typically, the slide title would be the header in the main slide, however when it comes to printing out handouts a separate header would be quite useful.

Here are the steps to add header and footer information to slides

Step 1 − In the Insert ribbon, click on the Header & Footer menu item.

Microsoft PowerPoint 2010

Step 2 − The Header and Footer dialog has two tabs — the Slide tab and the Notes and Handouts tab.

Step 3 − You can add details to the slide footer from the Slide tab.

Microsoft PowerPoint 2010


S.NoSlide Footer Options & Description

Date and time

  • Add date and time to the footer

  • Specify the format of the date and time entered

  • Set up the footer to update automatically or use a fixed number


Slide Number

Insert Slide number in the footer



Add designated text to the footer - a good example of this is the confidentiality clause or copyright clause


Don't show on title slide

Decide on whether the footer information should be displayed on the title slide or not

Step 4 − You can add the details to the handouts from the Notes and Handouts tab.

Microsoft PowerPoint 2010


S.NoNotes and Handouts Options & Description

Date and time

  • Add date and time to the footer

  • Specify the format of the date and time entered

  • Set up the footer to update automatically or use a fixed number



Add the header information for every page on the handout


Page Number

Insert page number in the footer



Add designated text to the footer - a good example of this is the confidentiality clause or copyright clause

When you check any of the header and footer checkboxes in either tabs, you can see the location where the detail is inserted in the preview section.

Microsoft PowerPoint 2010


Microsoft PowerPoint 2010

Thursday, March 23, 2023

Adding Slide Numbers

Just like you have page numbers for books, it is usually a good idea to add slide numbers to presentations. There are two ways you can add slide numbers to your presentation and this chapter will show you both those techniques.

Step 1 − Under the Insert ribbon, Text group click on Slide Numbercommand.

Microsoft PowerPoint 2010

Step 2 − The Header and Footer dialog opens up.

Microsoft PowerPoint 2010

Step 3 − Check the Slide number check box.

Microsoft PowerPoint 2010

Step 4 − The Preview shows the section where the slide number will be placed.

Microsoft Office 2010

Instead of clicking on the Slide Number command, you can also click on the Header & Footer menu item to launch the same dialog as in Step 2.

Microsoft PowerPoint 2010

Review Presentation

Reviewing the presentation can be a very powerful way of eliminating the errors and perfecting the slides. PowerPoint offers a wide range of reviewing options for you to use. Some of them are automatic or system driven, while others aid other users to collaborate and review the slides. All the reviewing tools are grouped under the Review ribbon.

Microsoft PowerPoint 2010


Review SectionFunctions
  • Spellchecking − Identify spelling and grammar based on selected language preference

  • Research − Reference language related research tools based on specific reference books and research sites

  • Thesaurus − Provide synonyms for selected text

  • Translate − Provides translation services for selected words for multilingual support

  • Language − Sets the default language for the presentation - this will be used as default language for proofing

  • Show Marking − Show/hide the user comments in the slide

  • New Comment − Add new comment against the selected content

  • Edit Comment − Edit an existing comment

  • Delete Comment − Delete a selected comment, all comments in the selected slide or all the comments in the presentation

  • Previous / Next Comment − Move to previous / next comments

  • Compare − Compare the current presentation with another presentation and identify the differences

  • Accept/ Reject − Accept or reject the differences to be incorporated into the current presentation

  • Previous/ Next − Move to the previous or the next difference in the comparison.

  • End Review − End the review and discard any unapplied changes

Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Saving Presentation

One of the most basic tasks in PowerPoint is being able to save your work; this is probably the most important task as well. There are many users who have burnt their fingers for not saving their work in time and losing hours of hard work. The following are the basic steps to save a presentation.

Step 1 − Click on the File tab to launch the Backstage view and select Save.

Microsoft PowerPoint 2010

Step 2 − In the Save As dialog, type in the file name and click "Save".

Microsoft PowerPoint 2010

Step 3 − The default file format is .pptx. If you want to save the file with a different name, choose one of the file types from the "Save as type" dropdown list.

Microsoft PowerPoint 2010

If you are working on an already saved file, the "Save" option in the Backstage view will directly save the file in the existing format with the existing name. If you want to change the format or filename of an existing file, use the Save As option instead.

Microsoft PowerPoint 2010

Sunday, March 19, 2023

Slide Orientations

In the recent years, presentations are being used for more than just as a high end replacement for transparencies and projectors. With its unique features, PowerPoint is becoming quite versatile in the kind of information it can depict and very flexible in its usage. The slide orientations are invaluable part of this improved list of PowerPoint features. Like most other applications PowerPoint supports two orientations: landscape and portrait.

The Landscape layout is the default PowerPoint layout and it is probably the more commonly used one. In the landscape layout, the longer edge is horizontal so the slides align better with the screens and projectors.

The Portrait layout is where the shorter edge is horizontal. This is sometimes better for print depending on the kind of content you want to present.

Slide orientations in PowerPoint can be changed from the Design ribbon using the Slide Orientation command.

Office 2010

Friday, March 17, 2023

Setting Backgrounds

As PowerPoint is a design-based program, backgrounds are effective ways of improving the aesthetics and readability of the slides. The Themes in PowerPoint help select the backgrounds by default, so every time you change the theme, the default background is set automatically. Theme includes more than just backgrounds, so you can retain other aspects of the theme while changing the default background.

Given below are the steps to apply backgrounds in PowerPoint.

Step 1 − In the Design ribbon, under the Background group, click the Background Styles command.

Microsoft PowerPoint 2010

Step 2 − Select one of the background styles that suits your requirements.

Microsoft PowerPoint 2010


Microsoft PowerPoint 2010

Step 3 − To edit the background for a specific slide, right-click on the desired background slide and select "Apply to Selected Slides".

Microsoft PowerPoint 2010

Step 4 − Selected slide(s) now have the new background.

Microsoft PowerPoint 2010

The graphics in the slide background can distract you from the actual content, in such cases you can hide the graphics and retain a plain background till you finish working on the content. To do this, select the slide and check the "Hide Background Graphics" checkbox.

Microsoft PowerPoint 2010


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